Best Classic Canadian Butter Tarts (rockrecipes)


2 1/4 c flour, pastry flour is best to use but all-purpose will do
1 T brown sugar
1/2 t salt
1/2 c shortening, very cold and cut in cubes
1/2 c butter, very cold and cut in cubes
6 T ice water, approx enough to bring the dough together

Pulse cold butter and shortening into flour, sugar and salt using a food processor until the shortening or butter is reduced to pea sized pieces. Sprinkle water over surface and toss with a fork until the water is just incorporated into dough. Do not over work dough; handle it only enough so that the dough stays together. Form dough into 2 rounds about 1″ thick. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in the fridge for about 1/2 hour. Roll out on lightly floured surface. Cut into rounds with 4″ cutter. Fit into muffin cups. Chill in fridge or freezer while you prepare filling. Cold pastry heading into a hot oven will always be flakier. Sprinkle raisins in a single layer in the bottom of the pastry lined muffin cups. Fill 2/3 full with Filling. Bake on bottom shelf of oven at 425 F for 12 – 15 min. Cool completely on a wire rack and remove tarts from from pans. Note: There is considerable debate about whether the filling in a butter tart should be runny or firm. Preferences vary, especially geographically but if you want a firmer, less runny filling simply add an additional egg, increase brown sugar to 3/4 c and decrease corn syrup to 1/4 c.


1/2 c lightly packed brown sugar
1/2 c corn syrup
1/4 c butter, melted
1 egg
1 t vanilla
1/4 t salt
1/2 c raisins (can sub pecans, walnuts or chocolate chips)

Combine all ingredients except raisins. Mix well.


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